Neill's micro:bit Resources

Challenges, demos, and discussion.

Neill’s micro:bit resources

Gotchas (Common Mistakes)

Zip Halo Gotchas

Some common mistakes with the excellent Kitronik Zip Halo board.


Things to inspire ideas at dojos, jams, code clubs. Some of these also have activities designed for them.

Chamelon lights

Make neopixels change colour to match whatever you show to your microbit!

language: makecode

Radio Choir

Multiple micro:bits harmonising, syncd by radio. My first micropython project.

language: micropython

Fake Chords with Custom Blocks

Make the micro:bit sound like it's playing chords, by playing arpeggios really fast. Uses some experimental custom blocks.

language: makecode

micro:bit drum machine

Turn your micro:bit into a drummer by having solenoids hit things! Featuring the Adafruit Crickit board.

language: makecode


my old first experiments with microbits playing harmony together (micropython)

language: micropython

microphone micro:bit

Add a cheap microphone and react to sound

language: makecode

MicroPython NeoPixel Racer

A MicroPython version of my neopixel racing game

language: micropython

Zip Halo (NeoPixel Ring) Patterns Demo

An interactive set of patterns for the kitronik zip halo or other neopixel rings.

language: makecode

NeoPixel Racer

A simple button-mashing race game with neopixel strips

language: makecode

sample player

Getting the micro:bit to play sampled sound!

language: micropython

Smooth neopixel racer demo

An example of making neopixel racing animate smoothly.

language: makecode

Tug-of-War neopixel demo

A two-player button-mashing tug-of-war along a neopixel strip

language: makecode


Control AFrame from microbit

Have microbit control your AFrame VR worlds!

language: makecode

Big-Screen Radio Messages

Have microbit radio messages appear up on your computer monitor - great for big displays at workshops or dojos!

language: makecode

Control Sonic Pi from micro:bit

Have microbit control your Sonic Pi music!

language: makecode


Light-Sensing Theremin

language: makecode

Random Picker with Servo

Make a micro:bit controller random picker, to decide whatever you want! Who'll take the next penalty? Who's turn is it to dance?

language: makecode

Servo-driven reaction-time display for reaction game

language: makecode

Remote-controlled Light Meter

language: makecode


Collaboration Without Catastrophe

microbit radio messaging makes it easy for students to collaborate on non-trivial projects together without many of the traditional problems.

Workshops - rough notes

Collaboration without Catastrophe, with micro:bit radio messaging

Adding Sound and Remote-Control to NeoPixelRacer

Kit - some recommendations

Kit recommendations for a club

Some recommended micro:bit related kit for coder dojos, code clubs, and after-school clubs. Everything from croc clips to motor driver boards.

Kit recommendations for parents

Some recommended micro:bit-related kit for parents with kids at different stages.